Entrevistamos a Sonja Kohn, Founder and Managing Partner- BestFit (miembros de Insurtech Community Hub) “BESTFIT have sent out by now over 4 million questionnaires – discovery journeys proving an engagement of approximately 90%.


Could you explain BESTFIT in a tweet?
BESTFIT takes the guessing out of marketing and sales and reads peoples thoughts, transforms information into insights allows companies to speak directly to client’s brains, increasing client’s satisfaction, retention, sale and profitability.

How do you see the Insurtech ecosystem globally?
Insurtech makes the biggest impact with established companies who are adding personalization and customer centricity to their systems. The newcomers like lemonade and other direct insurances are challengers of which only few will succeed.

And locally in Spain?
Spain has an outstanding high quality of insurance services. Digitalization is slow as in many of the European mature markets. The opportunities for fast movers are huge.

How do you work on innovation in BESTFITs?
BESTFIT’s multidisciplinary team of academics, psychometrics, IT specialist and experienced business professionals implemented a behavioural since based costumer centric approach which is continuously innovated. Merging AI with HI™ (Human Intelligence) BESTFIT uses words, pictures, gamification, and disruptive new developments to increase customer loyalty, satisfaction, and business.

Could please explain BESTFIT success cases?
BESTFIT’s clients including Zurich insurance group, Generali, IBM, Maccabi, Wüstenrot and many other leading insurance companies have sent out by now over 4 million questionnaires/ discovery journeys proving an engagement of approximately 90%. BESTFIT has as well proven to be a powerful lead generator, acquiring for its customers new clients. We are acquiring new clients in a GDPR compliant way delivering to insurance companies: Contact information, permission to use the contact commercially and the complete client profile of their decision drivers, preferences, and impactful communication.

After analyzing the insurance scenario in Spain during the last few months, what advantages and barriers have you found?
There is an old saying, “don’t fix something which isn’t broken”. Every established company has to be careful in changes. Insurance companies today have an much better reputation than
banks for being a reliable conservative partner. This is a big opportunity for insurance companies to increase their assets and share of wallet which has not yet been taken advantage
of by most of the industry players we know. The insurance industry is long term successful but too slow.

Can you share any disruptive idea that has particularly caught your attention?
We are discussing with our chief scientist Prof. Dr. Moran Cerf continuously new ways of understanding clients which range from music to baseball caps with inside electrodes measuring brain activities. Victor Hugo said: “no idea is as powerful as an idea whose time has come”. Disruptive ideas are not necessarily new. I consider the most disruptive idea is to be able to understand client’s thoughts and therefor be able to predict their future actions. This is made possible through the use of behavioural science models embedded in engaging 3 minutes digital interfaces like BESTFIT has.

What is your vision of technology trends for 2022?
I do believe that a key to a successful 2022 is “less is more “. Insurance companies need to focus, talk less – deliver more.

Acerca de Sonja Kohn
Sonja Kohn, Founder and Managing Partner of BestFitTM, es una innovadora en tecnología y servicios financieros. La Sra. Kohn creó exitosas Joint Ventures con Intesa Sanpaolo  y con UniCredit Bank Austria. Fue asesora del Ministerio de Economía de Austria y recibió la Gran Medalla de Honor de la República de Austria.


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